Wednesday, November 3, 2010

a funny thing happened...

well, life is awesome. really. there are so many cliches that i could spout out about the light at the end of the tunnel, or never giving up faith, etc, and honestly they are all true. life is really something to delight in. i have been through my fair share of ups and downs and its glorious that through it all i came out the other side with the love of my life.

last weekend was halloween. its also the day my life changed forever. i got engaged. i will one day be "mrs. hall" and i am thrilled about it. i dont know how i got so lucky that God saved the greatest man in the world just for me, but he did. i could go on and on about all the good things he has to offer, but i wont bore you or make you throw up with those gushy details. all i will say is that there is no way any girl should ever settle for anything other than the best. even in my previous relationships i thought that they could work, or it would be ok, or that i was happy enough. why be happy enough when you can be overly happy? seriously, my number one advice for anyone always will be to not settle! settling is for the people who dont have enough confidence in themselves to see what they truly deserve. everyone deserves to have their dreams come true, just work hard and believe.

so for halloween, i dressed up as a fiance! it was quite perfect and lovely and sweet. i got to drink $5 champagne and wear a cute dress and hold hands with the greatest guy ever. and now i have an awesome sparkly ring that i stare at too often and i worry about quite a bit. its perfect though. i really am lucky, and i know this. and i know its annoying to hear about how in love people are a lot, but im ok with that for the time being. i am on a crazy emotional love high and i am proud to discuss it right now!

and so begins my life as a fiance who hopes to not become a bridezilla!

good day.

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