Sunday, July 13, 2008

in the moment

life isnt about what or who makes you happy. you have to live to make yourself happy. be yourself because honestly you were created that way for a reason. it is 100% more fulfilling to be true to yourself than to try to be a new person. dont you think the god that created you knows more about you that you cant even wrap your head around?

life is meant to be lived fully. live it out and live it up. be happy, be yourself. dont worry about what everyone thinks about you because honestly they probably dont think about you as much as you worry they do. 

make good friends. keep up with your friends. dont judge. dont dwell. forgive and forget. do what you want. love others. love yourself. fall in love. fall out of love. find better love. 

love isn't all its cracked up to be. its a struggle, it takes work, it includes fights and trials. dont think it should always be about the romance because it should be about the friendship foundation as well. remember to laugh things off and dont take yourself too seriously. everyone gets their heart broken at some point. everyone heals and moves on eventually. be glad for the current moment in your life whether you are happy or sad or what have you because you are there for a reason. 

be thankful to be in the moment.