Thursday, April 10, 2008

lauren eberle: a winner in making me laugh so hard i had to leave a wake

have you ever had so much you wanted to say about a person and no words to really capture them? that is lauren to me. so much wonderful and too little space to write.

lauren and i met like any other obligation group of best friends should. awkwardly. all of our closest friends were closest friends with each other and hearing about lauren nonstop only made me want to be her friend as well. so we hung out for the first time back in january and it was love at first sight and site (get it. site. facebook is how we met first but more on that in a moment.).

previous to that though, we did have this conversation on facebook:
me to lauren: i'm glad we are friends..because to be honest ive been stalking you for awhile.
lauren to me: i'm glad we are friends too because tonight i called steph and told her how the fact that i have yet to meet you is ruining my life... and that i would stalk you but i am unable to view your life - so now i can do so freely. :)

so basically that was it. i knew we would be friends for life since we could openly stalk from then on. from then on we discussed everything from snotty noses to home on the range to hot boys to jonas bonas.

now as much as i enjoyed being facebook friends with lauren i truly enjoyed the reality aspect of our lives as well. i am not sure why this is but lauren can make me laugh so hard that at any given moment i will literally be able to pee my pants/dress i wear 3 days in a row. we have a tag team aspect of our humor that basically borders on monstrously inappropriate. we definitely work better in a crowd as well, the audience seems to thrive off of her actual humor and my ability to laugh so loudly that everyone laughs out of how uncomfortable they are to be seen by me.

lauren may be the only person i can poll very random people on the aspects of sex that i just dont understand but also discuss the very serious matter of what you do when your poop is too large to flush and also the general suckiness of having that one guy in the world that you cant stop thinking about while he makes out with ugly asians (not cool ones like lisa).

i am very glad i could sit in her car and discuss that day john mayer serenaded her on stage at msg to being in the car in front of her while showing off my $2 drugstore microfiber bikini underwear that has now become infamous.

seriously, add her on facebook. myspace. your life. she's worth it for how nonstop hilarious she is. sometimes so much that i have to cover my ears as to not pee my dress. or as my title so lovely describes, she made me laugh so hard i had to leave the wake of our best friend to go laugh so hard i teared up in the coat room. there is nothing gentlemanly about showing that much of your stomach or walking around with tp. seriously people, classes start monday.

Friday, April 4, 2008

nice people finish last

i was told what my blog topic should be about next, and it is nice people. its tough enough to write a blog when i only have skills and not skillz yet but to be told what to write about could possibly be an even bigger cause of anxiety. i think i am up to the challenege though. (hopefully this is up to your blog standards grog.)

this week i have gotten to speak with a great friend of mine quite a few times, and its actually really shocking being that normally he is traveling the country and lacks the abiltiy to communicate as well as normal humans who stay in one place, or even one state everyday. when talking we were sharing how we are both burdened or blessed with the ever so special trait of being the nice ones. the ones always looking out for their friends because you feel such a love for them that their happiness is more important than yours. i actually enjoy this trait about myself but i do see where it causes problems. i am the girlfriend who will do your laundry if you casually mention you have no clean clothes or i'll order you a freakin pizza over the internet despite you living thousands of miles away because i know you cant for yourself. it eventually does have a wearing down problem that comes along with it or maybe even the loss of ones self in another. perhaps its just something you learn as you go along.

now i dont mean to make that sound as if i think i need to do those things to gain approval from anyone but rather i do it because its like a craving i have in myself to just please. i just love the act of making others happy because that fuels me in a way like no other.

my friend was sharing the nice guys finish last tidbit of info with me during this conversation. i'd like to hit on that a bit now. nice guys probably do finish last but in the best way possible. i tend to believe scripture and luckily christ speaks about the last shall be first and the first shall be last. i know despite us all being the ones going behind picking up everyone elses slack, it'll be made up to us in heaven if we have the peace of mind that christ died for us. so in actuality nice guys finishing last is really winning the race of life. so a+ to the slow people because you'll be mvps in the end.

i dont think this blog has really covered any points on anything other than the fact that greg and i are nice and its good and bad. thats about all i can come up with that this point so i do apologize for the fact that you probably read this and got nothing out of it.
i now feel obligated to copy greg's blog a bit and feature some people but sticking with the topic
of nice i will feature two people i feel are some of the winners in that category. greg, since being the inspiration of this blog will of course have to be mentioned. greg is nice perhaps even beyond the words of nice. meeting him this summer was great. i dont want to boost his ego anymore than needed though so i'll just say he was one of my favorite people on the bus because we were often on the same page with things. he's one of the few people i talk to now that i am off tour and i am thankful for that definitely. i don't think he'll ever know how much we all respect him but i guess this blog may help him to realize even a little bit of how many people really enjoy his company.

kat. i dont think there are words to how wonderfully nice she is. she puts her all into every aspect of her life, no matter what. seriously, i think i could ask her to pick me up from virginia drive me to california and drive me back and she would do it without even thinking no. not that im telling you to do that, because im pretty protective of her. i am not so crazy about how many people think its ok to ask her to do everything for them knowing she will say yes. kat is my best friend. i'll always be thankful for this summer solely because of how close we became and how important she is to me. kat deserves the best and she'll totally win the race of nice people finish last.
so basically. be friends with greg and kat because you can't go wrong. if nothing else they will listen to whine nonstop about relationships and life and they will always have your back whenever you need it. it's pretty much money to be their friend.

stay tuned for my next blog when i compose a wonderful story known as, lauren eberle: a winner in making me laugh so hard i had to leave a wake. and just as a little preview i would like to leave you with this photograph of the wonderful slaur.