Thursday, May 1, 2008

monkeys are rad

and so is merch (and by merch, i mean chris. not my job).

i am a person who once set in an idea, must finish it. back in like march i think, i decided i wanted to be friends with chris. he sells merch for the band article a. i had gone to a few shows of theirs because they played with honor society, jonas, etc. well, he is gorgeous. he knows is, you know it, we all know it. that is basically the one reason i wanted to be his friend. so i set on a mission. i got his myspace, i awkwardly messaged him about moving, i asked for his screen name, i drank a little bit, and i imed him. our first conversation was awkward but highly entertaining.

it is months later and we are monster good friends. we talk often about some of the greatest things ever. he is so hilarious and so cocky that is pisses me off and it makes me laugh all at the same time.

its crazy though for us to be as close as we are while never really speaking in person. i mean, its not hard to believe with how much talking we do and how many annoying get to know you questions i asked him for the first month of our friendship, but still. haha its even crazier to me the amount of things he knows and remembers about me that end up actually helping me out. like one day we were talking about how everyone has a thing. we talked about how his thing was words. and we went through a few other people and what their certain thing was and i seriously had no clue what mine was. merch knew instantly. it was awesome for me to know he actually cared enough to be able to know that much about me and tell me flat out something i didnt even notice in myself. (it is story telling. at least once a week i will tell him a bizarre story, similar to all the ones i tell in my live chats. haha)

my favorite thing about merch is that we both listen to awesome music. almost every week i buy a cd he tells me to get and it is always good. the best is by the matches called decompsure. it was the first one he ever told me to buy and its been the best so far. although i have enjoyed many others like the 2 other matches cds, new thrice cd, and cursive - ugly organ. he has good taste is music. i enjoy that. well, it may not be my favorite thing about merch but its one of them. i think my favorite thing is that he tells me i am awesome almost daily and seriously, you can never heard that enough. (just because you have now read this, dont stop calling me awesome. i'll punch you in the weiner.)

its funny how people think, like if someone was to ask what they should write a blog on i would automatically say me! and thats usually how it works. whenever i am in the mood to write i ask whoever i am talking to "what should i write on tonight?" and they say me! well. merch said monkeys. or me. or both.

this has nothing to do with monkeys. i wish i owned a monkey sometimes like ross did on friends. i thought marcel was the coolest monkey and i wanted one just like him. now im a little indifferent about it because i feel i would lack all skills to clean up after it.

im going to NJ tomorrow. i'll be at an honor society show tomorrow and bamboozle sat and sun. i am very very excited to see everyone again. its gonna be hard for us all with steph gone, but we are living it up for her.

i'm "meeting" merch for the first time on sunday. it will probably be the most awkward glorious moment of my life because he has some sort of ridiculous surprise he has planned for the day with his friends and i am filming it for my new online show i will be taping so i will definitely exaggerate all my plans. i hope it goes slow motion as we collide into each other. (he just wants to capitalize on me fame and that is why he wants in on the taping this weekend. once my first episode is out, feel free to tell me if you think he brought his A game or if i am the more awesome one.) :)

i hope i recognize him. you know those people who look different in like every picture? merch is like that to me.

today i watched a kid run circles around the food court area outside my work shouting 7! touchdown! 7! over and over again. he fell over after about 20 laps, which he thought was only 7, and i laughed so hard. i then laughed even harder when he stood up and got so dizzy he ran into a wall. it was hilarious.

welp. its late.

everyone go check out "see you in the dark" my honor society on their myspace!

oh, and sometime when merch has his own music, which is most likely be amazing cause ive heard som early demos, look for me in the parking lot. i'll be bootlegging his face on a tshirt. you'll want one.

in the wise words of a friend "i hear God is a pilates buff".

<3 jack girl.


TLC said...

Hmm... that's funny... I always thought "your thing" was smelly porn star air fresheners from filthy auto stores. But whatevs.

In other news, my roommate will be in Jerz this weekend! I will spray her down with orangey goodness so that you can find her in the crowd with your eyes tied behind your back!

Candis Vlasek said...

hey there!
i saw your comment on my jonas selling blog.
i will tell you right upfront I WILL NOT be selling any jonas stuff that is illegal. please let me know if i am doing anything wrong.

i took ALL of the pics i am selling.

please email me with any problems.

thank you